Tag Archives: recycled

Recycling Around The World

“November 15 is America Recycles Day, an annual event launched in 1997 by the National Recycling Coalition. The need to reuse and recycle raw materials has never been as urgent as it is today. The human race has reached a worldwide population of 7 billion, and America is responsible for consuming a disproportionate share of the planet’s resources. In many parts of the world, recycling is done by necessity. In others, artists, governments, and businesses have found creative and useful ways to reuse materials — a plastic bottle may find itself reborn as artwork, a warm blanket, or fuel oil. Collected here are photographs of various recycling efforts around the world, ranging from small and whimsical to industrial in scale.”

33 photos from The Athlantic, In Focus.

Collecting colors

Production it is the important step to be solved while the real commerce start. Some areas can be in a way industrialized, another ones are giving the best results if they remain handcrafted. As you already know our production it takes part in Spain.

Cutting by hand, classifying by colour… and carefully matching the pieces will build each bag.

Lots of red coming!