Tag Archives: ethical

Water To Wine Store


You can find us in WaterToWine Store, a shop in Berlin Mitte run by a group of berliner creatives. The label is producing and distributing just upcycling products. Half of the gain is going to the organization Komm-Und-Sieh in order to support the homeless. Check here more info about the mission.

If you are in Berlin or you plan to go, do not miss this cool spot.
Water To Wine in Facebook | Water To Wine in Tumblr.

Water To Wine Store / Auguststraße 82 / 10117 Berlin / Germany

Christmas gifts

It is supposed that the compulsive buying period has already started, seriously we hate the Christmas routines and traditions.

We’ve been thinking about creating an special trade to promote the sales for Christmas, as most of the brands do, but it is not our natural way.

Blauvent will not extra promote their products for these ”special” days.

🙂 Rest on peace!